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Not to be too graphic, but there’s a saying about eating one’s own dog food in the computer biz: Perhaps the saying is in all businesses, even the dog-food industry, but it means that in order to understand one’s customer, a firm must require its own employees, including executives, uses the firm’s products. Microsoft runs on Windows and Office, occasionally to the chagrin of employees who are required to beta test and get work done.
Cingular has just installed its UMTS/HSDPA network in San Antonio, the headquarters of SBC-cum-AT&T, which owns 60 percent of the cell operator and would like to acquire the remaining 40 percent as part of a BellSouth acquisition.
RCR News reports that Cingular will invest $346m in its 3G network in 2006, about $156m of which will cover San Antonio and the southern part of the state. Cingular plans to expand HSDPA to the top 100 US markets in 2006, to provide effective competition with Verizon and Sprint.
Posted by Glennf at July 17, 2006 1:03 PM
Categories: HSDPA